Programs’ updating may be accomplished in several ways
With the update file
To get the file you can do any of the following:
Select a proper program from the list on the site and download the file
Get the file on your e-mail by sending the request from the program (Menu > Service > Request Updates by E-mail)
To request an update in your program select Menu > Service > Request Updates by E-mail or in case the program doesn't start, open the installer (e.g.: Start > Programs - CTM - Rail Tariff Installation) and click the "Send" button.
In the opened window set the request parameters and click the "Complete" button:
"Program": selecting the program you want to update;
"From version... to the latest... to the version... " – entering the version you would like to update and the one you want to get instead the previous (the latest one or chosen by yourself);
"Maximum letter size" – setting the maximum size of a letter and an update file (kb);
"Do not send the update if the total letters size is more than..." – in case total updates size exceeds the one you stated (Mb) mailing won't be executed;
"Send updates to" – enter your e-mail address here;
SMTP-server parameters (letters-sending servers): "Address" - SMTP-server address; "Port" – server's TCP-port (25, by default); "User...", "Password..." - username and password for the authorization on the SMTP-server. If you have any problems with the parameters installation, apply to your system administrator.
Updates can automatically be delivered to your e-mail if you are subscribed to the Updates Mailing List.
You can also subscribe to the permanent Updates Mailing for all your programs. To open the subscription form click "Subscribe" in the window "Request Updates by E-mail". Enter appropriate parameters and click "Complete":
"Program": selecting the program you want to request the subscription for;
"Version N" - the version from which to start searching for updates and execute the mailing (the version on your computer is stated, by default);
" Send updates to " - enter your e-mail address here;
"Subscription type: News about versions releases... Updates (files)... Updates (links)" – set a suitable mailing method from the following:
In incoming letters you will get information about new versions releases;
In incoming letters you will get updates directly;
In incoming letters you will get links to update files located at the CTM FTP-server;
"Maximum letter size" – setting the maximum size of a letter and an update file (kb);
"Do not send the updates if the total letters size is more than..." – in case total updates size exceeds the one you stated (Mb) mailing won't be executed;
"Full Name, Organization, City, Telephone number" – your identification data;
"Alternative e-mail address" – if there're any problems with sending a letter to your first e-mail, it will be sent on the alternative one;
"Cancel the subscription" - cancelling the subscription for the chosen program;
SMTP-server parameters (letters-sending servers): "Address" - SMTP-server address; "Port" – server's TCP-port (25, by default); "User..., "Password..." - username and password for the authorization on SMTP-server. If you have any problems with the parameters' installation, apply to your system administrator.
Before upgrading a program ensure it is not running at the moment. Then launch an update file by double-clicking it. In case the launched file does not correspond to the number of updated program version you will get the message that upgrading is impossible.
With CTM-Office panel
Launch the CTM-Office panel in Start > Programs > CTM. Right-click on the CTM-Office panel icon in System tray, select checkmark "Settings".
After that in program settings window select a check box "Search for updates", choose the update period and customize the Internet connection module if needed (the "Settings" button).
When you use such upgrading method programs should be run from the CTM-Office panel or you should create a shortcut (at the Desktop): right-click on the necessary program.

Update from a distributive file
In case you didn't update a program for a long period or it was seriously damaged, it may be reinstalled above the previous version. All user's settings will be saved. To execute this you can use the distributive of the program or follow this link.