The CTM Company renders its services in developing, implementing and maintaining software programs for automating documents circulation in the sphere of rail transit, way transportation, customs registration and of dataware foreign economic activities.
The CTM Company was established in 1995. Nowadays it is one of the leading Companies in providing complex software solutions for the Companies in Russia, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, the Ukraine, the Baltic countries and Finland.
The CTM Company’s head-quarters are located in Saint Petersburg and its Branch is in Moscow and official representative offices are in a majority of large Russian cities.
The CTM Company has a vast and multilevel dealers’ net covering the whole Territory of Russia (from Nakhodka Port to Kaliningrad), as well as Byelorussia, the Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Latvia and Finland.
The CTM Customers are private Companies, State structures, the largest freight terminals, customhouse brokers, shipping agencies, etc.
The CTM Company develops individual complex software solutions in accordance with Customer’s objectives, tasks and requirements.
The CTM Company is one of the official software program developers for the Federal Customs Service of Russian Federation and Russian Railroads Joint Stock Company. The CTM software products are well-known abroad.
The CTM Company is a winner of the Russian National Olympus prize in nomination “Outstanding Small and Middle Business Enterprises”. The Russian National Olympus Prize is the Main All-Russian public prize awarded for outstanding achievements of the leaders in domestic production, social sphere, fuel and energy complex, communication, construction, transport, trade and service, agriculture, mass media, Public Health, education, sport, as well as stimulating State and public figures persons, who have made the greatest contribution in State’s social and economic development.
The CTM Company is the International Prize winner “For Contribution in Strengthening Russia’s Competitive Power”, which is a public recognition of Company’s achievements and merits.
Due to developed official representatives net and multilevel dealers’ net, the CTM specialists are able to:
The CTM software information actuality is provided by regular issuing updated versions and our Customers can download them from Company’s Site or get by E-Mail.
The CTM Company renders services in choosing individually and forming the most effective software solutions for every particular Customer.
We use high technologies (Internet, communication systems, etc.) in developing, implementing and maintaining our software solutions.